Geology & Mineral Exploration
The Geological Survey of Pakistan (GSP) is responsible for the study of geology of the country in all pertinent details and to assess its geological resource potential. GSP produces disseminated geological information for government departments, planning, industry and education. We create databases, geological maps and mineral exploration.
Projects for year of 2022-2023 are as under:
S. # | Approved Annual Field Project2 2022 – 2023 | Description |
1 | Exploratory Drilling to discover the iron ore deposit in the Spezand Area, District Mastung, Balochistan. | Exploration and Evaluation of iron ore deposits. |
2 | An Integrated study for mineral prospecting and reserves estimation of Chilghazi Block, District Chagai Balochistan Pakistan | Exploration of Metallic Minerals, like iron, copper, gold, silver, molybdenum etc. |
3 | Ore Mineralogy and Geochemistry targeting for Magmatic-Hydrothermal Mineral Ressources, Hosted within Cretaceous-Miocene Granitoid Stocks along central Tethyen metallogenic belt in toposheets No. 34C/11,34C/07,34C/03&30O/15, Chagai Balochistan | Prospecting of mineral resources. |
4 | Application of Geological & Geochemical techniques in Exploration and economical evaluation of the Mineral potential (Barite, soapstone,Iron ore,etc) of toposheet no 43B/16 District Haripur Hazara Division KP. | To know the genesis and economic potential of mineralization exposed in Hazara District |
5 | Integrated Geological and geophysical Survey for exploration of Metallic Minerals in the razai Block Nokkundi Area Balochishan Pakistan | Integrated Geological, Geophysical, Geochemical, surveys (Magnetic, Gravity, IP) on ground of the unexplored area for mineral exploration. |
6 | Exploratory Studies of metallic and Non-metallic Minerals along Chaman Segment of the Chaman Transform Fault System | Exploration of metallic- and non-metallic minerals in the Chaman area, Balochistan. |
7 | Geological mapping and mineral investiagtion of toposheets # (30-O7,30-O/8and 30-O/12) Chagai District Balochistan Pakistan | To geological map the area with emphasis to mineral exploration. |
8 | Geological mapping of toposheet no. 42 D/16, Teru Quadrangle with special emphasis on geochemical sampling along Northern thrust zone. Teru area, District Ghizer, Gilgit-Baltistan. | Geological mapping and geochemical sampling to identify the mineral potential areas. |
9 | Large scale mapping and exploration of base metals related to sulphide mineralization/aplitic pegmatite along the MKT/Northern Ishkoman shear zone passing through the Yasin and Ishkoman valleys in the Sumal gah area, district Ghizar, Gilgit Baltistan. | Geological Mapping and exploration of base metals. |
10 | Geochemistry and economic evaluation of Jagran Granite (AJK) Neelum valley with special emphasis on Lithium (Li) Occurrence in Pagmaitie (Toposheet no. 43 F/14). | Geochemical exploration to discover the Lithium deposits. |
11 | Demarcation of Mineralized zones in the western part of District Chagai using Geochemical Techniques. (Toposheets no. 30 C/13, 30G/1, 30G/2, 30G/3, 30G/6, 30G/7, 30G/8, 30G/11, 30G/12) | To demarcate the mineral rich areas through geochemical sampling |
12 | Geochemistry and economic evaluation of pegmatite with special emphasis on lithium occurrence and associated minerals, Shigar valley, Sakardu, Northern Pakistan (Toposheets no. 43 M/2, 43 M/11). | Geochemical exploration to identify the Lithium and associated mineral rich areas. |
13 | Economic Geology of Zhob Ophiolite: Preliminary Investigation of Base Metals and Critical Minerals. | Exploration of base metals and critical minerals. |
14 | Exploration of Copper Prospects in Uthal and Adjacent aresa, Lasbella district Balochistan | Exploration of copper deposits. |
15 | Skarns and Polymetallic Mineralization in Sedimentary Rocks near Dalbandin, Chagai District. | To identify the polymetallic minerals. |
16 | Exploration & Evaluation of Lead, Zinc and Barite Deposits in Lasbela and Khuzdar Districts, Balochistan. | Exploration and Evaluation of Lead, Zinc and Barite Deposits. |
17 | Investigation of Pegmatites and Leucocratic Rocks for Lithium and other associated metals (Sn and W) surrounding Dasu and Gilgit city. | Geochemical Mapping and sampling for the exploration of Lithium and other associated metals. |
18 | Sedimentary Economic potential of Nagarpakar, Sindh Pakistan. | To conduct a preliminary study of mainly sedimentary deposits and will be focused on systematic sampling of sedimentary deposits, china clay deposits & laterite deposits for the purpose of exploring their economic mineral constitute. |
19 | Investigation of Fly Ash (FA) from Thar Coalfield on Rare Earth Elements and Speciation of Selected Heavy and Trace Metals including Lithium. | To evaluate and ascertain multifarious economic viability including Rare Earth Elements (REE’s), Heavy Metals (HM) and strategic metals like lithium (Li) of leftover solid waste from the burning of coal. |
20 | Ground water studies of Sindh Province, Pakistan (Phase – 01) | Water table depth measurement To acquire GPS coordinates of the wells To obtain Elevation Ground Water sampling from hand pumps, Tube wells, Dug Wells Stream/ channel sampling Preparation of well inventory Preliminary Report submission. |
21 | Detailed Investigation of Antimony, Lead and Zinc Mineralization in Kamol Gol (krinj), Awrit gol, and Pahturi areas, District Chitral. | Exploration of Metallic Minerals, like Lead, Zinc and other associated minerals. |
22 | Geochemical Exploration of Precious and Industrial Minerals in Katpana and Kharan Desert of Pakistan. | Geochemical Exploration of Precious and Industrial Minerals |
23 | Integrated Geological and Geophysical Investigations of Metallic Minerlization in Chilas Complex and Surrounding Areas, Kohistan Magmatic Arc, Northern Pakistan. | Exploration of Metallic Minerals, and other associated minerals. |
24 | Impact Of Mining (Heavy Metals) On Environment And Human Health In The Province Of Balochistan. | To report the health risk and environmental aspects keeping in view the previous studies and effect of increase in mining activities with the passage of time. This project will also be helpful to aware the nearby localities about the alarming effects of heavy metals and health risk due to leaching and contamination of soil and water in their surrounding areas. |
25 | Environmental risks study of Marble and Granite Mining in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan (Mardan,Hazara and Malakand division). | To determine the environmental dangers and health hazards associated with marble mining that directly affect laborers and the surrounding areas of Buner district. • To determine the quality of drinking water (tap water, underground water, and surface water) as well as changes in contaminant concentration levels that 8 are causing high cases of silicosis, autoimmune disease, non-malignant renal disease, cardiac opestractive disease (COPD), lung cancer, and other health risks associated with ingestion of marble dust through drinking water in said area. |
26 | Preliminary Geochemical studies for Economic minerals in sediments (silt) of Kabul River and Warsak Dam | Geochemical sampling and analysis to identify the economic mineral resources. |
27 | Reconnaissance Study of Copper and Gold Mineralization in Barit-Hunkoi Area, Danyor Nala, Gilgit-Baltistan. | Exploration of Copper and Gold Deposits. |
28 | Exploration of Newly Discovered Copper Deposits in district Swat and Shangla, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa | Exploration of copper deposits. |
29 | Exploration Potential of Industrial Minerals in Peshawar Basin; A Special Emphasis on Bentonite Associated Clays and Silica Sand | To identify the potential areas of industrial minerals. |
30 | Geological Mapping of 50 Toposheets out of 354 Unmapped Toposheets of Outcrop Area of Balochistan Province. (PSDP /ongoing). | To Geologically map the outcrop area in detail on 1:50,000 scale and to maintain database for future exploration of the occurrences of metallic and non-metallic mineral potential, dimension stones, aggregates and limestone reserves for the industry in targeted potential areas of Balochistan. |
31 | Pakistan National Research Program on Geological Hazards (Earthquakes and Landslides), Data Acquisition along Active Faults and Identification of Potential Landslide Hotspot Zones. (PSDP /ongoing). | To identify Earthquakes prone areas on the basis of active faults margins and landslide hotspots; to establish a new network of Globe Navigation Satellite Stations GNSS (Permanent as well as Periodic), and developing a landslide inventory database throughout the country |